As Christians, we recognize that God has called us to live Holy lives in this fallen world, and this will result in conflict and confusion with our society. But God does not leave us alone in this task – he gives us his Word, the Bible, which speaks to us on every issue of Life and Godliness, as well as his Holy Spirit to guide us and to enable us to live according to this truth.
Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32)
So browse through the Real Questions on the left, and spend some time considering the articles, videos and sermons which we hope will provide you with God’s answers to life’s difficult questions. Because there is so much content on the internet which is not based on Biblical truth, this section of our website is an attempt to provide you with helpful biblical answers to these questions.
Note: Some of the issues on the left are absolutely central to what we believe (i.e The Gospel, Jesus Christ, Justification etc) and some of the issues are not central to our salvation (i.e. Dating, Tattoos etc). For a detailed description of what we Believe on matters of central importance, Please see the “About Us” section of the website. On the rest, you may not agree with everything in this section, but our desire is to open these topics up for you biblical consideration. Some of the content on these pages would not be the formal standpoint of the Mooi River Baptist Church, but are meant to be starting points for considering these questions before God.